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How Reliable is the Old Testament? (Part 2)

In this video, Calum Miller dives deep into the evidence for the Old Testament by exploring ancient history and archaeological findings. By aligning the accuracy of details in the stories of the Patriarchs and the Exodus with historical records, Calum demonstrates how the Old Testament is not just a book of ancient myths but describes real events in history.

God of War or God of Justice?

Is the God of the Old Testament a God of war and genocide? Christians claim that God is just, but passages in the Old Testament raise questions about the morality of God's commands. In this initial video on controversial Old Testament scriptures, Alanzo Paul analyses passages in the Book of Joshua that continue to stir debates about God's character as either a just protector or a ruthless conqueror.

How Reliable is the Old Testament? (Part 1)

When it comes to the historical reliability of the Bible, there is scholarly research to support the New Testament… but what about the Old Testament? In this first video of a three-part series, Calum Miller reviews academic resources and archaeological evidence to determine the historical accuracy of events and places recorded in the Old Testament, such as the Flood and the Tower of Babel.

How Does Jesus Revolutionise Attitudes Towards Women?

Jesus regularly involving women in his teaching and community powerfully challenged the cultural norms of His day. In this lecture, Lara Buchanan examines how easily overlooked details in the Bible point to Jesus’ regular affirmation of women’s worth and dignity at a time when this was contested.

Why Did Jesus Die?

Jesus's death was by all accounts, brutal. So why did he have to die? Darrell Bock (Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary) & OCCA speaker Alanzo Paul consider the significance of Jesus's death from a biblical and historical perspective.

So you want to Live Forever? Resurrection

In this episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas and Alanzo Paul as they consider the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Did it happen? And, if it did, what does it mean? How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago answer the human desire to live forever?

14 min read
The Easter Miracle

The Christian gospel is based squarely on a miracle.  It was the miracle of the resurrection of Christ that started it going, and that same miracle is its central message. In a world steeped in scientific rationality, belief in miracles often faces skepticism, epitomised by David Hume's critique. But a nuanced reevaluation challenges this dichotomy.

So you want to Live Forever? Reincarnation

In the this episode of the series ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’ join Ben Thomas and Rahil Patel as they consider the possibilities of returning to life in other forms. What is the offer of reincarnation? What kind of hope might it give us?

So you want to Live Forever? Optimistic Nihilism

In this episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas and Sara Stevenson as they explore a view called ‘optimistic nihilism,’ which argues that, although an afterlife does not exist, our mortality could liberate us to find meaning in other ways. Together, they consider whether reconciling the universe’s lack of meaning with a personal search for significance presents a challenge.

So you want to Live Forever? Transhumanism

In the this episode of the series ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’ join Ben Thomas and John Lennox as they explore transhumanism’s mission to extend human life, and ultimately prevent death, through scientific and technological development. Together, they consider this ambitious goal and its potential impact on our lives today.

So you want to Live Forever? Be Remembered

In our second episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas, a seasoned medical doctor, and Charlie Styles, a vicar, as they investigate humanity’s quest for immortality. Both have been confronted by death and grief in their professional work, yet have noticed a curious, unwavering desire for humanity to leave a legacy and be remembered… What is this desire and where does it come from?

So you want to Live Forever? Matters of Life and Death

In the lead-up to Easter, join Ben Thomas as he fearlessly explores the taboo topics of death, heaven, and eternal life. Over the next few weeks, he’ll interview colleagues about different perspectives on living forever, from reincarnation to transhumanism to nihilism, among others.

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