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Charlie Styles

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A picture of our Executive Director, Charlie Styles


“We love because he first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

Revd. Charlie Styles currently leads OCCA’s team, after spending 12 years in church leadership.  He loves teaching the Bible and is responsible for setting the direction and culture of OCCA.

Coming from the local church, Charlie focusses on how OCCA can support and equip the Church to engage and confidently respond to the world’s ‘big questions.’ He is never happier than when helping people grasp life-changing spiritual truth for the first time.

Charlie is married to Sophie and considers his three wonderful children the most important responsibility God has given him. Aware of his own faults, he seeks to live a life of repentance and faith, daily dependent on God’s grace and kindness.  They live in Burford, Oxfordshire, where Charlie serves as the Minister for Evangelism at their local church.

If Charlie is coming to speak at your event, here is a link to some publicity material.


Confident Faith Conference

In this age of artificial intelligence, concerns over deep fakes and global unrest, the truth really matters. Christians claim to have solid hope, but it’s easy to feel that the chaos is winning. In our current cultural moment with all its confusion and questions, we want to equip you to consider and respond to these challenges the world is facing today.

How Do I Prove Truth?

In this interview, Mark Lanier, a prominent lawyer, shares the intersections of his faith and his professional career as a trial lawyer. Mark has had significant legal achievements, including landmark cases that have brought about changes in public health and safety, such as the removal of talcum from baby powders due to asbestos contamination and his involvement in litigation related to the opioid crisis in America. He dives into how the principles of justice and truth-seeking in the courtroom resonate with his religious beliefs and offers a unique perspective on themes of living a life of authenticity, the intrinsic value of human beings, and finding evidence that leads to the truth even when the truth is uncomfortable.

So you want to Live Forever? Be Remembered

In our second episode of the series, ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’, join Ben Thomas, a seasoned medical doctor, and Charlie Styles, a vicar, as they investigate humanity’s quest for immortality. Both have been confronted by death and grief in their professional work, yet have noticed a curious, unwavering desire for humanity to leave a legacy and be remembered… What is this desire and where does it come from?

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