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14 min read
The Easter Miracle

The Christian gospel is based squarely on a miracle.  It was the miracle of the resurrection of Christ that started it going, and that same miracle is its central message. In a world steeped in scientific rationality, belief in miracles often faces skepticism, epitomised by David Hume's critique. But a nuanced reevaluation challenges this dichotomy.

5 min read
Can we overcome prejudice with progress?

Do our very yearnings to see the world become a better place, actually point us to someone, not merely something, better?

6 min read
When do coincidences become ‘God-incidences?’

Is it possible that religious experience can count as more than just confirmation bias?

18 min read
Is religion still relevant today?

In a world with many problems, is religion still relevant? Has a more scientific outlook assumed the status that religion…

16 min read
Why trust the Christian message?

The Christian faith can be said to be about a lot of things, loving others, being a faithful person, saying…

15 min read
Why would God allow pandemics?

Many momentous world events hold our attention a few days but don’t really change our daily lives much thereafter. The…

8 min read
The Heart’s True Home

Extracts from the final chapter of  The Sanity of Belief – Why Faith makes sense by Simon Edwards According…

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