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Book for Summer School this July!

Conference Schedule

The Confident Faith Conference is a day for you to engage with significant and difficult topics from a Christian perspective. Our hope is that you will come away from the conference encouraged and challenged to think more deeply about your faith, and to have more boldness to share the hope you have in Jesus Christ with others.

You can view the full programme here: Confident Faith Conference Programme_2024

Start time: 9:30am
End time: 5:45pm
Venue: University Examination Schools | 75 – 81 High St, Oxford OX1 4BG

The day kicks off with a time of worship and a message on God’s Comprehensive Offer in the Gospel from Clare Williams, and finishes at 5:45pm after Charlie Styles shares about God’s Comprehensive Answer in Jesus.

You’ll be getting filled up on a day of 25 minute talks to encourage, challenge and help you, followed by an afternoon of breakout sessions where you can choose the areas where you want to go deeper.

You can find more details on each session here.


Talks & Breakout Sessions

Something new arrived when Jesus of Nazareth was born. Something happened when he began teaching in the first century. Something sparked a movement when Jesus was crucified and, according to his followers, rose from the dead! This talk explores how that ‘something’ – the gospel – is a comprehensive offer of a new way of living in relationship with God. We are invited to consider how the gospel is at once an offer of comfort and challenge, of transformation and trial, of healing and hope.

Economics and financial trends continue to be the most influential forces that shape modern life. The cost of living is rising. Uncertainty is growing. Unemployment rates are fragile. And artificial intelligence and technological breakthroughs continue to create excitement and anxiety. All of this, while governments, businesses and families scramble for stability amid the shifting sands of a changing world. Is there a way we can rise above the chaos, alleviate the suffering of others, speak truth in love and work towards better lives, without losing faith, meaning and purpose?

It seems that the human race has never been more concerned about the natural environment and there seem to be good reasons for that concern. But how should those who believe in a creator view the natural world? In a world that seems to either ignore those worries or panic about any human impact, what might be a distinctive Christian response?

In contemplating the impact of AI on humanity, we are delving into a realm that touches the very essence of what it means to be human. AI has the potential to revolutionize not only our societies but also our understanding of consciousness, free will, and morality.  Furthermore, the integration of AI into daily life raises questions about autonomy and the human experience. Will AI augment our capabilities, or will it lead to a loss of human agency? As we navigate this unprecedented era, it’s imperative to reflect on these philosophical ideas and ensure that our advancements in AI align with our values and aspirations as a species.

Alanzo addresses the profound question, “Is there meaning in my pain?” by examining how various belief systems interpret personal suffering. This lecture will highlight the unique Christian perspective, focusing on the  life and suffering of Jesus Christ. Through Christ’s experiences and resurrection, Alanzo will demonstrate how the Christian worldview offers a luminous response for finding meaning in the darkest times of life.

From minor misdemeanours, to the existence of pure evil, things in the world are not as they should be. We need only look at our own lives to realise that we don’t always behave in the way we’d like. The Christian faith has a word for this state of malaise: sin. In this session we’ll take closer look at why we get things wrong, whether individually or corporately, and discover that in Jesus, God has provided the ultimate solution.

There are so many remarkable things about Jesus. In this session we take a deep dive into his amazing ability to teach different groups simultaneous, looking at the stories Jesus told in Luke 15. We will see that not only do the stories of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and of the two sons complement each other to form a larger whole, but also the story of the two sons (often known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son) has multiple levels at which it can be heard and is full of references to the Old Testament. It is arguably the most remarkable short story that has ever been told.

All the promises of God are answered in Jesus. Our day will end with a look to Jesus as the author and perfecter of our faith.

When the church gets it wrong (Panel Discussion) Clare Williams, Charlie Styles & Emma Ineson

In recent years it seems that the church has made the headlines, not for good works and social action, but for failures in leadership and accountability. Surveys reveal that the church is far from the first place people go with their spiritual questions. How has the church become such a barrier to evangelism? How can we respond? And how might Jesus give us a model for our own approach?

Did God make the world in 7 days? John Lennox

What did the writer of Genesis mean by “the first day?” Are the seven days in Genesis 1 a literal week or a series of time periods? In this seminar, learn how to interpret Genesis while heeding modern scientific knowledge and staying true to the biblical narrative.

Can I trust the Old Testament? Peter J. Williams

This seminar explores the historical reliability of the Old Testament. Emphasizing the meticulous transmission of texts and the impressive accuracy of ancient records over centuries, learn how archaeological findings corroborate biblical accounts.

Why does Christianity give queer people such a tough time? Ben Thomas & Sam Allberry

This session addresses increasing claims that the traditional Christian sexual ethic suppresses humanity, especially for those who identify as LGBT+ or nonheterosexual. Sam and Ben will outline traditional views, followed by group discussions on compassionate, truthful responses to these concerns.

How do I know the Gospel is true? Sara Stevenson & Simon Edwards

This lecture examines why the Gospels are considered high-quality sources for believing in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of the world. It will also explore the spiritual insights and relationship security found in personally knowing Jesus.

How can I share the truth in a world of migration and multiculturalism?  Rahil Patel & Max Jeganathan

In a world increasingly polarised and uncertain, citizens of free democracies face the reality of navigating sensitive and controversial issues as part of communities that are more diverse than ever. How can authentic Christian discipleship faithfully represent Jesus and empower his followers to meaningfully engage with those of different cultures and ethnicities?

Open Q&A Panel John Lennox & Ben Thomas (hosted by Charlie Styles)

We recognise that there are a variety of difficult questions people may be wrestling with about God, faith, and Christianity. This session provides the opportunity to ask pressing questions that may not have been directly addressed at other seminars.

How much do ancient historians think we can know about Jesus? Max Baker-Hytch

Despite public skepticism, ancient historians widely affirm Jesus of Nazareth’s historical existence. This seminar explores the historical methods that establish key events and themes of his life, demonstrating why these aspects are considered firmly established by scholarly consensus.

Where is the Prince of Peace in a world of conflict? Max Jeganathan & Sara Stevenson

In a post-truth world driven by feelings and underpinned by uncertainty, people are more angry and polarised than ever before. Our local and global social fabric seems to be deteriorating, and more and more of us are angry and confused. In a world that seems to be spiraling increasingly out of control, how can we navigate conflict, cure outrage and be a agents of redemption and restoration in a world crying out for peace?

How can we connect with people through culture and creativity? Tom Price & Sophie Styles

The poet Malcolm Guite describes how poetry can, ‘jostle the soil of the imagination’ of human beings. Our culture is posing excellent questions through the arts and culture: what we see on Netflix, the music and podcasts we listen to, or what we read. People who are seeking God may not be asking the questions we expect or in the form we anticipated, and as christians our engagement can become “stuck” around certain models or styles, missing the creativity and nuance which connects on deeper levels. This seminar will set out a creative and culturally engaged approach that can reach out to the head and the heart. As Paul did in Acts 17, we will start with listening and exploration before thinking about how we engage questions, through a fresh, culturally, and imaginatively engaged approach to the proclamation of the unchanging gospel. A way of making the connection between life and culture.

How can you say Jesus is the only way? Alanzo Paul & Rahil Patel

Join Alanzo and Rahil for a thought-provoking seminar on the question, “How can you say Jesus is the only way?” Drawing from their personal experience with diverse, multi-faith family and backgrounds, they will explore the importance of respecting others’ beliefs while addressing the logical implications of religious exclusivity. Alanzo and Rahil will explain why claiming that “all religions are equally true” is self-defeating and argue that Jesus’ exclusive claims are about truth rather than intolerance. This seminar promises to challenge your understanding and offer respectful insights into the heart of Christian faith.

Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion? Clare Williams & Sam Allberry

In this seminar, we explore where this question arises from in culture and consider historical and present-day factors which contribute to this objection.  We will see how this is not just a fringe issue with Christianity, but one that is part of the perceived harms of the faith in current debates.  We will conclude by thinking about how the gospel responds to this deeply felt question.


Tickets: £60

Your ticket includes an entire day full of apologetics training, talks, breakout sessions and lunch.

If the cost is an issue for you, please let us know.


University Examination Schools | 75 – 81 High St, Oxford OX1 4BG

We’ll be right in the heart of Oxford at the University Examination Schools. It’s a great venue for our event – a wonderful main conference room and plenty of breakout spaces.

Getting there

Unfortunately there is no parking at the venue, but it is only a short walk from the Westgate Car Park in the shopping centre.

From Oxford station, you’ll have a 20 minute walk.

There is also plenty of public transport available which can deliver you right to the street.

Confident Faith Conference Speakers

We have a wonderful array of speakers contributing to our day, including the OCCA team and guests.

Photo of Ben Thomas
Ben Thomas
Ben qualified as a doctor in 2003, and worked full-time in the medical field outside of the one year he took to pursue training in Theology and Apologetics at the University of Oxford and OCCA. In 2016, he became a consultant in Neurosciences Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia unit, but now works as a consultant part-time alongside his role as a speaker at the OCCA.
Ben has interests in the intersection of faith and sexuality, gender, medical ethics, and psychology. He has spoken numerous times to the younger generations and adults in churches, conferences, and mission events across the UK and Australia. In his attempts to work out what it looks like to follow Jesus well, he is also a keen runner (Forrest Gump style!), musician, chef, and loves spending time with his family, friends, and Godchildren.
Photo of Charlie Styles
Charlie Styles
Revd. Charlie Styles currently leads OCCA’s team, after spending 12 years in church leadership.  He loves teaching the Bible and is responsible for setting the direction and culture of OCCA.
Photo of Clare Williams
Clare Williams
Clare's work focuses upon questions of race, justice and culture, and what the Christian message has to offer these contested issues. She studied English Language and Literature at Oxford University, and has Masters degrees in Leadership, Culture, Diaspora and Ethnicity.
Photo of Emma Ineson
Emma Ineson
Rt Rev Dr Emma Ineson was ordained in 2000 and served her curacy in Christ Church, Dore in the Diocese of Sheffield, before moving to Devon where she was a Chaplain to the Lee Abbey, an ecumenical Christian community. From 2006 she served in various roles at Trinity College, Bristol becoming Principal in 2014. Emma now serves as the Bishop of Kensington. She has written books on various topics including on both Ambition (2019) and Failure (2022).
Photo of John Lennox
John Lennox
John is the President of the OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. He is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University and speaks on the interface of science, and religion, and is a well-known biblical teacher. He has debated the likes of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Peter Singer, and has lectured extensively in North America, Eastern and Western Europe, and Australasia on mathematics, the philosophy of science and the intellectual defence of Christianity.
John is also an Emeritus Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford University. In addition, he is a Senior Fellow with the Trinity Forum, and has written a number of books exploring the relationship between science and Christianity, among them: Where is God in a Coronavirus World? (2020), 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity (2021), and Cosmic Chemistry: Do God and Science Mix? (2021). Most recently, Lennox has produced a biblical exposition, Friend of God: The Inspiration of Abraham in an Age of Doubt.
He gained his MA, MMath, and PhD at Emmanuel College, Cambridge University. He also holds an MA and DPhil from Oxford University (by incorporation), an MA in Bioethics from the University of Surrey, and a DSc from the University of Wales.
John lives near Oxford and is married to Sally. They have three grown up children and ten grandchildren.
Photo of Lara Buchanan
Lara Buchanan

Lara Buchanan holds degrees in History, English Literature, and a PGCE in Secondary Education from the University of Cape Town. She also has a Certificate in Apologetics through the OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and Theology from Oxford University. Previously, Lara worked for several years as an English and History secondary school teacher, before going on to run the internship and theological training program for St Aldates Church, Oxford.

Lara has a specific interest in studying the impact of Jesus’ life for the individual and for the community. Lara has spoken in various academic and corporate settings in Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, and across the UK. Her hope is to develop meaningful connections with people from other cultures, faiths, and worldviews in order to explore the deep questions of life together within the context of friendship.


Photo of Max Baker-Hytch
Max Baker-Hytch

Dr. Max Baker-Hytch is the Academic Advisor at OCCA. He received his PhD in Philosophy from Oxford University in 2014. Afterwards, he held two postdoctoral research fellowships, one at Oxford (2014-15), and one at the University of Notre Dame. Separately to his role at OCCA, he is Lecturer in Philosophy at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University.

Photo of Max Jeganathan
Max Jeganathan

Priyan (Max) Jeganathan is an international speaker and writer for the OCCA and Thinking Faith. He is passionate about helping people make sense of current issues and life’s big questions through the lens of the Christian worldview. As a former lawyer and policy adviser in the Australian National Parliament, Max has spoken around the world in banks, universities, and businesses, including Facebook, Google, Nike and Goldman Sachs. He is based in Sydney, Australia and is currently undertaking a PhD on the ethics of human dignity.

Photo of Peter Williams
Peter Williams
Dr Peter J. Williams is Principal and CEO of Tyndale House, Cambridge, holding an MA, MPhil, and PhD in ancient languages pertinent to the Bible. He served at the University of Cambridge and the University of Aberdeen, specializing in Hebrew, Old Testament, and New Testament studies. Peter chairs the International Greek New Testament Project, advises on the English Standard Version of the Bible, and contributed to a major edition of the Greek New Testament. Notable publications include "Can We Trust the Gospels?" (2018) and "The Surprising Genius of Jesus" (2023).
Photo of Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry is a pastor, apologist, and speaker. He has authored a number of books, including Is God Anti-Gay?, What God Has to Say About Our Bodies, Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?, and 7 Myths about Singleness. He is the co-host of the popular podcast You’re Not Crazy: Gospel Sanity for Young Pastors.
He currently serves as an Associate Pastor at Immanuel Nashville and is a canon theologian for the Anglican Church in North America.
Sam has written extensively for numerous organizations, including regular articles for The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, and Living out.
Photo of Sara Stevenson
Sara Stevenson
Sara is passionate about exploring questions raised by Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. She has an MSc in Philosophy of Science and Religion from the University of Edinburgh, and an Education Degree in Religious Studies.
Photo of Tom Price
Tom Price
Tom Price studied Philosophy at university and later completed an MA in Christian Apologetics, and is currently undertaking doctoral research in theology, philosophy and film.
Confident Faith Conference Registration

Join others from across the UK for a day of learning.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at 


There may be a few tickets left!