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What’s the Difference Between Islam & Christianity?

In a world rich with diverse cultures and ideologies, Sara Stevenson explores the stark differences between two major religions: Islam and Christianity, and how their foundational beliefs and intricate rituals point to a very different picture of who Jesus is.

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Why Did Jesus Die?

Jesus's death was by all accounts, brutal. So why did he have to die? Darrell Bock (Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary) & OCCA speaker Alanzo Paul consider the significance of Jesus's death from a biblical and historical perspective.

So you want to Live Forever? Reincarnation

In the this episode of the series ‘So You Want to Live Forever?’ join Ben Thomas and Rahil Patel as they consider the possibilities of returning to life in other forms. What is the offer of reincarnation? What kind of hope might it give us?

Gandhi and Christianity Series: How Gandhi Used Jesus’ Teachings in His Political Activism

The final session on Gandhi and Christianity explores how Mahatma Gandhi incorporated Christian teachings into his political ideologies emphasising non-violence and social justice.

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